succulent in the sunshine

How Much Sun Do Succulents Need?

I absolutely love shopping online for succulents and gardening supplies. If you aren't already saving money by comparing prices online, give it a try! Here are six of my favorite things that I have purchased online as I build my own succulent oasis:

If you live in a place with intense sunlight, your succulent will need more shade than if you live in a place with more moderate sunlight. In general, succulents need about 6 hours of sunlight per day, but this can vary depending on the type of succulent and the intensity of the sunlight.

If you’re not sure how much sun your succulent needs, it’s always best to err on the side of too little sun rather than too much. When it comes to succulents, the best way to determine how much sun they need is to observe them carefully.

Take note of how they look after being in the sun for a certain amount of time. If you have a south-facing window, that’s usually the best spot for a succulent.

If you have questions about the variety of options available when it comes to providing your succulents with sunshine, this complete guide is for you!

Table of Contents:

How Much Sun Do Succulents Need?

sun stressed sempervivum 'firebird'

If you’re like most people, you probably love the idea of having a lush, green garden but don’t have the time (or space) to maintain one. Succulents are the perfect solution for people with busy lifestyles or limited gardening space.

These water-wise plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can thrive indoors or outdoors with minimal care. One of the most common questions people have about succulents is “How much sun do they need?”

The answer to this question depends on the type of succulent you have. Some succulents, such as cacti, need full sun to partial shade, while others, such as sedums, do best in full sun.

If you’re not sure how much sun your succulent needs, check the plant tag or ask your local nursery. In general, succulents need at least four hours of sunlight each day to stay healthy.

If you live in an area with intense sunlight, you may need to provide some afternoon shade for your plants. Too much sun can cause succulents to become sunburned, which will cause the leaves to turn white or yellow.

If your succulent is sunburned, move it to a location with less sunlight and make sure to water it more frequently. If you can’t provide enough sunlight for your succulents indoors, you can supplement with grow lights.

These special lights emit the type of light that plants need to grow. Place your plants under the grow lights for 12-14 hours each day to give them the light they need.

Now that you know how much sun your succulents need, you can give them the care they need to thrive. With a little bit of TLC, these plants will bring beauty and life to your home for years to come.

Key Takeaway: Succulents need at least 4 hours of sunlight each day to stay healthy.

The Importance of Sunlight for Succulents

Succulents are a type of plant that originates from dry, arid climates. They are characterized by their fleshy leaves that store water, allowing them to survive in periods of drought.

While succulents are relatively easy to care for, one of the most important things they need is sunlight. Succulents need sunlight to photosynthesize and create their own food.

Without enough sunlight, they will slowly start to wither and die. However, too much sunlight can also be damaging, causing the leaves to scorch and turn brown.

Therefore, it’s important to find a balance when it comes to how much sun your succulents are getting. If you live in a climate that doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, you can supplement your succulents’ needs by placing them in a sunny spot near a window.

If you’re not sure how much sun is too much, err on the side of caution and give them less sun than you think they need. It’s better to gradually increase the amount of sunlight they’re getting than to shock them with too much at once.

In summary, succulents need sunlight to survive but too much sun can be harmful. Find a balance that works for your plant and make sure to give them a sunny spot to call home.

Key Takeaway: Succulents need sunlight to survive but too much sun can damage them. Find a balance that works for your plant.

Related: How to Make Your Succulents Grow Faster and Bigger

How to Provide Your Succulent With the Right Amount of Sunlight

aloe polyphylla 'spiral aloe' in the sun

If you’re like most people, you probably love the idea of having a beautiful succulent plant in your home, but you may be wondering How much sun do succulents need?

After all, these plants are native to desert regions and can survive long periods of time without any water.

Surely they can handle a little bit of sunlight, right?

Wrong. In fact, too much sun can be just as harmful to your succulent as too little water.

Here’s what you need to know about providing the right amount of sunlight for your plant.

Succulents come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, but they all have one thing in common:

They need sunlight to survive. The amount of sunlight your plant needs will depend on the type of succulent you have.

For example, some succulents, such as the cactus, can handle full sun all day long. Others, such as the sedum, need only a few hours of direct sunlight each day.

If you’re not sure how much sun your succulent needs, the best way to find out is to ask the person who sold it to you. They should be able to give you specific care instructions for your plant.

Once you know how much sun your succulent needs, you can start to provide it with the right amount of light. If you live in an area with intense sunlight, you may need to place your plant in a spot that gets partial sun throughout the day.

If you live in an area with more moderate sunlight, you can place your plant in a spot that gets full sun for a few hours each day. Just be sure to monitor your plant closely to make sure it’s not getting too much sun.

Too much sun can cause your succulent to start to wilt and its leaves to turn brown. If this happens, you’ll need to move your plant to a spot that gets less sun.

Providing your succulent with the right amount of sunlight is essential to keeping it healthy. Be sure to monitor it closely to make sure it’s getting the right amount of light.

Key Takeaway: Succulents need sunlight to survive, but too much sun can be harmful. Be sure to ask about sun requirements when you purchase your plant and monitor it closely to make sure it’s getting the right amount of light.

What Happens When a Succulent Doesn’t Get Enough Sunlight

When it comes to succulents, one of the most important things to know is how much sun they need. While succulents can tolerate a wide range of light conditions, they will typically grow best if they receive at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

If a succulent does not get enough sunlight, it will begin to stretch out and become leggy. This is because the plant is trying to reach for the light, and as a result, it will not be as full and compact as it should be.

In addition, the leaves of a succulent that isn’t getting enough sun will often become pale or even yellow. If you notice that your succulent is not looking its best, try moving it to a location that receives more sunlight.

With proper care like fresh well-draining soil and the correct amount of sunlight, your succulent should soon bounce back.

Related: How to Choose the Right Pot for Your Succulent

Grow Lights as an Alternative for Indoor Grown Succulents

Buy succulents

If you’re anything like me, you love having plants in your home. They add life and color to any space.

But if you don’t have a lot of natural light in your home, it can be tricky to keep your plants alive. One solution is to use grow lights.

Grow lights are a great alternative for indoor grown succulents. They provide the plants with the much-needed sunlight they would get if they were outdoors.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when using grow lights for your succulents:

1. Make Sure the Grow Light Is the Right Size for Your Plant.

You don’t want the light to be too small or too big.

2. Place the Grow Light at the Correct Distance from the Plant.

Too close and the plant will get burned, too far and the plant won’t get enough light.

Related: Why Are the Tips of My Succulents Turning Red?

3. Consider the Type of Lightbulb You’re Using.

Incandescent bulbs are not as efficient as compact fluorescent bulbs or LEDs.

4. Check on Your Plants Regularly to Make Sure They’re Getting Enough Light.

If they start to stretch or look pale, they may need more light.

5. Give Your Plants a Break from the Grow Light Every Once in a While.

They still need darkness to grow properly. Following these tips will help you successfully grow healthy succulents with grow lights.

Key Takeaway: To successfully grow healthy succulents with grow lights, make sure the light is the right size, place it at the correct distance, and use compact fluorescent bulbs.

FAQ’s in Relation to How Much Sun Do Succulents Need

How often should you water succulents?

Succulents need very little water, and they will do best if you let them dry out completely between watering. If they are in a bright spot, you may need to water them as often as once a week.

If they are in a shady spot, you may only need to water them every two weeks or so. One of the most common reasons succulents don’t thrive is that they are overwatered.

How much sunlight do succulents need indoors?

Succulents need very little sunlight to survive indoors. They can tolerate low light conditions and even thrive in rooms with little natural light.

However, they will grow best if they are given a few hours of direct sunlight each day.

Will succulents grow in shade?

Succulents will not grow well in shade. They need at least four hours of sun per day to thrive.

How much sun is too much sun for succulents?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the type of succulent and the climate in which it is growing.

In general, however, most succulents prefer bright, indirect sunlight and can tolerate some direct sun if they are gradually acclimated to it.

Too much direct sun can cause the leaves of some succulents to scorch or turn brown.

Related: When Should You Bring Succulents Indoors?


If you’re wondering how much sun your succulents need to grow healthy and strong, the answer depends on a few factors. In general, most succulents need about 6 hours of sunlight per day.

However, the type of succulent and the intensity of the sunlight can affect this amount. If you’re not sure how much sun your particular plant needs, it’s always best to err on the side of too little rather than too much.

Here at The Succulent Sprite, I can teach you everything you need to know about keeping your plants healthy and happy. Plus, if you ever have any questions, I’m always here to help.

Related: How to Propagate Succulents from Leaves, Stems, and Cuttings

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