11 Gorgeous Succulents With Pink Flowers (+Bloom Timeline)
I absolutely love shopping online for succulents and gardening supplies. If you aren't already saving money by comparing prices online, give it a try! Here are six of my favorite things that I have purchased online as I build my own succulent oasis:
Looking to add a little color to your (indoor) garden and love pink in particular? These gorgeous succulents with pink flowers are the ideal solution.
There are many beautiful succulent species out there with pink foliage that produce spectacular blooms. The best part is that the majority of them are a breeze to care for as well!
11 Succulents With Pink Flowers
While there are countless types of succulents that can bring pink tiny blooms into your life, these are some of my all-time favorites.
1. Florists’ Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana)

If we’re going to talk flowering succulents, it’s only appropriate to start off with one of the most popular species in this category. Commonly known as florists’ Kalanchoe or flaming Katy, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana has been around in horticulture since 1932. It’s now available in nearly every plant store, especially around the winter months, when its colorful flowers make their appearance.
If you’re looking for a Kalanchoe succulent with pink flowers, the florists’ Kalanchoe makes a fantastic choice. It has been selectively bred to produce blooms in a range of colors, including a bunch of different shades of pink. There are even different flower shapes available, from simple single-layered blooms to bunched varieties that look just like little mini roses (called the Calandiva line).
Related: Adorable Fuzzy Succulents
2. Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum Tectorum)

Those in search of a hardy perennial succulent with pink flowers are in luck: Sempervivum tectorum, commonly known as the hens and chicks plant, is as sturdy as it is beautiful.
Originally from southern Europe, this species has evolved to be able to go into a dormant state when things get too chilly. This means that it can pretty much withstand as much frost as nature can throw at it; so even folks in USDA zones 2-3 can grow it outdoors year-round!
Once the ground warms back up in springtime, this rosette succulent will come to life and soon start producing its lovely star-shaped pink flowers on long stalks. Sempervivum is monocarpic, meaning the mother plant dies after blooming. But fear not; she’ll produce an army of offsets before she kicks the bucket.
Related: How to Propagate Succulents
3. Cooper’s Hardy Ice Plant (Delosperma Cooperi)

My favorite ground cover succulent with pink flowers is Cooper’s hardy ice plant (Delosperma cooperi), one of the many species of ice plants that produce colorful, daisy-like flowers. This perennial is from South Africa and forms thick mats that explode with pinkish to magenta blooms during the warm summer months. No wonder it’s sometimes called the “pink carpet” plant!
Like the aforementioned hens and chicks, this hardy ice plant is a great choice for succulent enthusiasts who live in colder climates but still want to grow part of their collection outdoors year-round. The species is hardy to around -20 °F, making it suitable for USDA zones 5 and up.
Tip: Like the look of ice plants? Another species that blooms pink is Oscularia deltoides, also (quite appropriately) known as the pink ice plant.
Related: How to Choose the Right Grow Light for Your Succulents
4. Thanksgiving Cactus (Schlumbergera Truncata)

Lovers of blooming succulents will know that one of the most beautiful and abundantly flowering genera out there is Schlumbergera. There’s the fabulous Easter cactus (Schlumbergera gaertneri, which blooms in spring), the true Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi, a hybrid), and the most popular one of them all, the Thanksgiving cactus or false Christmas cactus, Schlumbergera truncata.
All of these holiday cacti, and especially the Thanksgiving cactus, have been extensively and selectively bred for different flower colors. Unsurprisingly, this has resulted in a range of pink-blooming varieties in every shade you can think of! My personal favorites are the ones with multicolored flowers in white with pink edges.
Related: Why Are the Tips of My Succulents Turning Red?
5. Orchid Cactus (Epiphyllum sp.)
Like the Thanksgiving cactus, orchid cacti from the genus Epiphyllum are jungle cacti rather than natural desert dwellers. And also like the Thanksgiving cactus, they bloom spectacularly! Their flowers are even larger than those of their cousins, and they smell wonderfully sweet.
There are loads of different varieties of orchid cacti. Some are proper species, like the popular queen of the night (a nocturnal bloomer scientifically known as Epiphyllum oxypetalum), but many are man-made hybrids that combine the best of different plants.
A few of my favorite cultivars of this trailing succulent with pink flowers include:
- Epiphyllum ‘Pink Plum’
- Epiphyllum ‘Pink Flair’
- Epiphyllum ‘Pink Bow’
- Epiphyllum ‘Pink Parrot’
- Epiphyllum ‘Persian Princess’
And more! There are thousands of orchid cacti out there to collect in every shade of pink imaginable.
Related: Where to Buy Succulents
6. Crassula Rupestris

Crassula rupestris is another one of the more commonly grown succulents in the houseplant hobby. It owes its status mostly to its easy care, but the lovely little flower clusters it produces during late spring don’t hurt either! There are two main varieties to choose from: normal C. rupestris and a subspecies called C. rupestris marnieriana (also called jade necklace).
This plant doesn’t originally bloom pink: its flowers are naturally cream-colored to yellowish. Luckily for us, though, nurseries have produced a bunch of different pink-flowered cultivars. One of my favorites is Crassula rupestris ‘Springtime’, which produces big, round clusters of lovely pink blooms.
Related: Echeveria Shaviana ‘Pink Frills’
7. Graptopetalum Bellum (Formerly Tacitus Bellus)

You may have heard of Graptopetalum paraguayense, the popular rosette succulent also known as the ghost plant. But have you also met Graptopetalum bellum?
This one’s not quite as popular among houseplant enthusiasts. However, if you can find one, you’re in for a world of gorgeous flowers! In spring, the species produces star-shaped blooms in wonderful shades of deep pink.
This succulent is naturally found in Mexico, specifically at relatively high altitudes in Sonora and Chihuahua in the north. It’s considered easy enough to grow, although it’s important to remember that it needs a little less direct sun than some of its lower-altitude desert cousins.
8. Mexican Snowball (Echeveria Elegans)

Another rosette succulent from Mexico makes the list! This one’s from the genus Echeveria and is commonly known as Mexican snowball or white Mexican rose. A clustering species with blue-green leaves and red tips, it already looks nice when it isn’t in bloom; but in spring this succulent with pink flowers on long stems really shows its full potential.
As long as you avoid overwatering, a common Echeveria killer, Echeveria elegans should be easy enough to grow. It likes plenty of sun and well-draining soil. With good care, a single plant can turn into a huge cluster in no time.
9. Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)

Yes, another Crassula! This ultra-popular succulent genus actually contains a bunch of succulents with pink flowers. However, I wanted to single out the jade plant (Crassula ovata) in particular, just because it’s such a classic and easy-to-grow option that’s suitable even for beginning succulent enthusiasts.
The jade plant can bloom in both white or pink, so be sure to shop specifically for a pink cultivar if that’s what you’re after. I quite like Crassula ovata ‘Pink Beauty’, which has orange-tipped foliage and produces dense clusters of pale flowers in late autumn.
Related: When Should You Bring Succulents Indoors for the Season?
10. Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum)

Although it’s more popular with bonsai tree lovers than succulent addicts, the desert rose (Adenium obesum) is firmly a succulent. Naturally found in many countries in Africa and the Arab Peninsula, it survives in its harsh natural habitats by using its swollen stem (caudex) to store water.
The species can grow to be absolutely massive, although this is not a quick process by any means: its growth rate is pretty glacial. Some succulents can, however, be encouraged to grow bigger and faster.
So why should you grow this fat succulent tree? Because of its flowers, of course! The desert rose is adored worldwide for its beautiful and long-lasting blooms in shades of red, pink, yellow, and everything in between.
Tip: The desert rose is considered toxic to pets and humans, so keep it out of reach of curious paws and little hands.
Related: 20 Fast-Growing Succulents
11. Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia Milii)

If you liked the desert rose, may I introduce you to the crown of thorns as well? Scientifically known as Euphorbia milii, this is another species that looks more like a little shrub or tree than a typical succulent. This is because the crown of thorns is native to Madagascar, which isn’t dry enough to warrant very fleshy foliage. Regardless of its look, however, it is still firmly a succulent.
Taxonomy aside, this prickly-stemmed plant is perfect if you like succulents with pink flowers. The blooms are naturally red, but selective cultivation has led to the production of crown of thorn plants that flower in yellow, orange, and bright pink. For example, try Euphorbia milii ‘Pink Petticoat’ for pale pink blooms or ‘Blushing Elegance’ for a deeper color.
Related: Creative Succulent Planter Ideas for Indoor or Outdoor
Add Pink Flowering Succulents to Your Collection
As we’ve seen, there are succulents with pink flowers galore in the world of horticulture! All have different care requirements and may need different triggers to bloom, so don’t forget to check out our succulent care guides for more information on how to keep your fat plant collection happy and healthy.