echeveria 'dionysos'

Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ – Information & Complete Care Guide

I absolutely love shopping online for succulents and gardening supplies. If you aren't already saving money by comparing prices online, give it a try! Here are six of my favorite things that I have purchased online as I build my own succulent oasis:

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ is one of my favorite types of succulents. It is a beautiful plant that can add rich color and life to any garden or home. With its deep maroon speckled bright green leaves, it’s sure to attract attention wherever it is planted.

But like all plants, the Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ requires some care in order to thrive. In this article, I’ll give you information on how to care for your Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ so that you can enjoy its beauty for years to come.

Scientific Name

Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

Common Name

Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

Physical Description of Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

echeveria dionysos

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ has beautiful, reddish-maroon speckled leaves that are almost wax-like in texture. The leaves are ovate in shape and come to a sharp point at the tips. This species typically grows to be about 3 inches tall and 4 in diameter. This succulent is quite small, typically only reaching a height of around 6 inches. The leaves of the Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ are arranged in a rosette pattern, each one about two 2 inches long at the most.

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ blooms in the late spring or early summer. The flowers are red-yellow in color. They are borne on long, thin stems that extend out from the rosette of leaves.

Where to Buy Echeveria 'Dionysos'

If you're looking to add more plants to your collection, you can usually buy succulents of all kinds at these stores.

Growing Season of Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ is not your typical fast-growing succulent. It only grows during the late spring or early summer when it blooms. It goes into dormancy during the winter months when its leaves turn brown and die back.

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ prefer a minimum temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit and a maximum temperature of 85 degrees Fahrenheit. They can live through spurts of temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but will not survive heavy frost.

If you live in a cold climate, it is best to move your succulent indoors around mid-to-late autumn to a place where you can control the temperature.

How to Care for Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

Caring for your Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ is easy as long as you provide your plant with the following basic needs.

Watering Needs of Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ succulent needs to be watered every one to three weeks–more in hot climates and less inside where the temperature and sunlight are moderate. It’s best to water it when the soil feels dry. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ is susceptible to root rot, so be sure to not water it too often. If you notice that the leaves are starting to turn brown and die back, this is a sign that you are watering your plant too much.

Soil Needs of Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ should be planted in a well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix. You can also make your own potting mix by mixing together coarse sand, perlite, and non-moisture retaining potting mix.

Fertilizing Needs of Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

If you want to see quicker growth, fertilize your succulent every two to four weeks during the growing season. Be sure to dilute the fertilizer to half-strength before applying it to your plant, or purchase a fertilizer specifically made for succulents. You can also add worm castings to your succulent’s soil to help aerate and add nutrients to it.

Sunlight Needs of Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ needs sunlight to grow. Give it at least six hours of light every day. If you do not have a sunny location for your plant, you can grow it under artificial grow lights. Do not make any sudden changes to the amount of sunlight your plant receives. Instead, acclimate your succulent in one to two hours increments over the course of at least a week.

Temperature Needs of Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ is a cold hardy succulent and can thrive in temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it is best to keep your plant above freezing to avoid damage. If you live in a cold climate, it is best to grow this plant indoors.

Propagation Methods of Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ can be propagated by dividing pups from the base of the plant. You can also propagate succulents by taking cuttings from the stem of the plant. Cut off a stem that is at least two to four inches long, and remove all of the leaves except for two or three. This allows the plant to continue to photosynthesize while new plants grow from leaf joints in the stem. Set the leaves aside to sprout roots and new plants.

Related: How to Choose the Right Pot for Your Succulent

Troubleshooting Echeveria ‘Dionysos’

You may need to troubleshoot for different issues if your succulent is dying or has seen better days. Here are some things to look for, and how to fix them.

Not Enough Sunlight

If your Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ is not growing, it may not be getting enough sunlight. Move your plant to a location where it will receive at least six hours of sunlight every day. Succulents like plenty of bright indirect light. If the plant lives inside and you can’t find a place for it that provides enough sunlight, you can supplement it with a grow light.

Buy succulents

Dying Leaves

If the leaves of your Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ are turning brown or translucent and dying back, it may be due to over-watering. Be sure to water your plant only when the soil feels dry and to allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.

Yellow or red leaves can indicate too much sun, and wilting leaves can mean not enough water or too much heat. The best thing to do is make small changes to your care routine based on what your plant is telling you. If you see slight improvements, you’ll know when you are on the right track.

Root Rot

If your Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ has root rot, it may be due to too much water. Be sure to water your plant only when the soil feels dry and to allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. You may also need to repot your succulent in a well-draining potting mix.

Bugs and Pests

If your Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ has bugs or pests, you can treat it with insecticidal soap or neem oil. You can also treat succulents with 70% rubbing alcohol. This will kill any pests and will dissipate before the plant has the chance to ingest the alcohol. It’s not always to get rid of pests like mealybugs or aphids, but its important to inspect your plant regularly and treat it weekly if needed.

Related: How to Fix a Leggy or Tall Succulent in Three Simple Steps

Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ in Review

The Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ is a beautiful succulent that is easy to care for. It only needs to be watered and fertilized sparingly. It prefers to grow in a sunny location, but can also tolerate some shade.

This plant is cold-hardy and can tolerate temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit on rare occasions. It’s easy to propagate if you enjoy growing your collection.

With proper care, your Echeveria ‘Dionysos’ will thrive and provide you with many years of enjoyment.

Related: How to Make Your Succulents Grow Faster and Bigger

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